#18 on the 2016 Bacon Top 31
Sunlit Youth by Local Natives
Five guys from Los Angeles, Local Natives make catchy, slightly emo indie rock that is at once recognizable, warm, and approachable. This is the third time the band has appeared on the Top 31, with the debut and sophomore albums making it into the top 10 in 2010 and 2013.
This new album isn’t a departure from their past efforts, it’s not surprising, or a new direction for the band, and it doesn’t feature any new members. This is Local Natives, doing what they do, in ways you expect and I utterly appreciate. It makes for a somewhat difficult review, as there’s nothing new to report. But I will say this: you should be listening to this band if you don’t already. And you should listen in chronological order. Sunlit Youth, while still a great album, is their third best. Fall in love with their first two, and you be in lockstep with this new one in no time.
And give the video above a listen. I would prefer to have shown you a video with actual recordings featured on the album, but the band doesn’t have anything but lyric videos out there. But I got the next best thing: a La Blogothèque Take Away Show. If you’re not familiar, feel free to get lost…
19. I Had a Dream That You Were Mine by Hamilton Leithauser + Rostam
20. ★ by David Bowie
21. Farewell, Starlite! by Francis and the Lights
22. This Unruly Mess I’ve Made by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
24. Puberty 2 by Mitski
25. Light Upon the Lake by Whitney
26. A Corpse Wired for Sound by Merchandise
27. Away by Okkervil River
28. case/lang/veirs by case/lang/veirs
29. Love Letter for Fire by Sam Beam & Jesca Hoop
30. Barbara Barbara, We Face a Shining Future by Underworld
31. Preoccupations by Preoccupations